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    In type 40 menus my textfiles are a mess and amongst
    other things stop half way or wrap around.

    There are two solutions to the above,  these are :-

    Solution 1:

    Using Thedraw (TDRAW330.ZIP on here)
    When finished editing the Textfile to your satisfaction save as follows:
    Using a maximum of 78 columns and 23 Rows

    Save via ALT-B (Block Save)
    Move cursor to Top left and press Spacebar
    Move cursor to bottom right and press spacebar
    Follow prompts to save ie A for ANSI I for ASCII

    Using an editor like Qedit - Load the textfile - Page down to the very
    bottom of the file and BACKSPACE to immediately just after the very
    last character and Save.

    Solution 2:

    Stopping  half way  is  cured by putting a Ctrl-E character at the
    top of the file..

    If you want to use  24-row screens, save with the Alt-B method,
    and then fire up DEBUG on the file:

    --- you:    DEBUG LOGO.ASC               ; (for example)
    --- debug:  -                            ; the standard prompt
    --- you:    RCX                          ; this sets the filelength
    --- debug:  CX @@@@                      ; read below for this
    --- debug:  :                            ; prompt when expecting a value
    --- you:    ####                         ; read below for what to enter
    --- debug:  -                            ; the standard prompt
    --- you:    w                            ; command to write file
    --- debug:  Writing #### bytes           ; depends on what you entered
    --- you:    q                            ; command to exit debug

    now, the @@@@ and #### bits. @@@@ is the old file length *IN HEX*
    and #### is the new file length, also in hex. So what you must do
    is subtract two  from that - ie...

      <> Old: | New: <> Old: | New: <>
      <>      |      <>      |      <>
      <> 0010 | 000E <> 001B | 0019 <>
      <> 0011 | 000F <> 001C | 001A <>
      <> 0012 | 0010 <> 001D | 001B <>
      <> 0013 | 0011 <> 001E | 001C <>
      <> 001A | 0018 <> 001F | 001D <>

    This  will  chop off the  last  carriage return / line feed  which
    scrolls the text.   Note that if you have menus this long,  it's a
    good idea to include the -D parameter  on the command line,  which
    turns off the status bar,   or your menus  won't look  too good on
    the local screen.

    (The above Courtesy of Stuart Henderson)

>> Valid at 4th February 1991
>> Copyright John Barton RemoteAccess Support Europe HQ 2:257/168

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